The story takes place in the symbolic
space of a fish bowl, which serves as a backdrop for a series of
three episodes taken from everyday life: a man who futilely waits
for a woman and who decides to trick his solitude in order to
survive; a boxer who refuses to acknowledge his helplessness and
the spectacle of his own defeat, and
finally, a couple in danger that cannot resist the frightful
landscape that is right outside their window. In short, the viewpoint
of a human being in crisis and the condition of being a tiny fish in a
giant bowl whose destiny he cannot control.
Format: HDCAM
Director: Santiago González
Producer: Sergio Gándara, Eduardo Lobos
Screenwriter: Nelson González
Director of Photography: Antonio Quercia, Darío Sabina
Composer: Camilo Salinas
Main Cast: Nelson Brodt / Felipe Ríos/ Roxana Campos/ Sergio Hernández
Funded by: Fondo del Audiovisual del Consejo de la Cultura y las Artes, Chile.